I am a full time breeder so I'm constantly at home form my babies. Previously I was breeding a different type of cats, but with the arrival of my first child, I stopped the breeding business to focus on my family. Today, my children are old enough and they have become important partners in the socialization of kittens. They regularly handle the kittens and stimulate them to prevent them from leaving our house with anxiety problems.
I am passionate about Bengals. I find their look and temperament really exceptional. I am pleased to offer to all of my future Bengal's parents a high quality kittens with guarantees and to offer them best service, which I hope will satisfy the most demanding buyers. Given the growing demand for this breed of cats, our breeding is gaining momentum with the arrival of new females carefully selected trough the years. Many of them are imported from around the globe to ensure a varied genealogy and target a type of Bengal particularly popular with our selective buyers. The quality of life of our cats as well as an impeccable service for our customers is extremely important for us.
Live the passion of Bengal with us!
The race
The Bengal is a loving cat, very affectionate. He quickly bound with his owner and is friendly with strangers. Each cat has its own personality and your visitors will be charmed by your Bengal. Its presence and elegance make them an exceptional breed.
Bengals, especially ours who are socialized very young, make excellent partners for children, even young children. If you are alone, no problem, but keep in mind that you will need to take time with your cat and stimulate it every day. If you work outside during the day, no worries but again, take the needed time for your companion. Ideally, all Bengal owners will tell you, having two cats is a great way for busy people to make sure your cat does not miss any stimulation. That said, all breeds are not good to marry in the same way that if you have a senior cat at home, it may not like the arrival of an energetic and full of life kitten.
Bengal is hypoallergenic. We invite you to read on different web site about them. One of our boys is very allergic to cats and has no problem with our Bengals. The allergic person will be put in contact with his kitten while the hair of this one remains fuzzy (until he is four or six months approximately). The person should not have allergy symptoms and his system will slowly get used to his new companion over time. In this way, once the kitten is almost grown up and despite slight hair lost, the allergic person should not react. No breeder can guarantee a 100% non-reaction of an allergic person.
It is strictly forbidden to put our cats outside. Purebreds should not be exposed to various diseases that are easily found outdoors or by contact with other animals. In addition, think of stealing! They are beautiful animals and it could be tempting for a stranger to keep it. Protect your Bengal and adapt your interior instead.
This breed of cat is active without being irritating. I think it's the perfect mix between dog and cat. Bengal have a very strong personality and will be able to express most of their needs. Yes, even a Bengal can bring the ball back to you! Children go crazy with our Bengals cats !